Obesity Center

Obesity is a disease arising as a result of abnormal or excessive fat build-up in body. Theformation of an imbalance between consumed and burned calories isamong the basic determinants of the disease. In other words, consuming fatty foods having high energy as well as having a low physical activity constitute the root of the disease.

Obesity is a significant public health problem worldwide. Obesity is increasing in not only developed countries but also developing countries day by day. This situation led to the beginning of struggle actions against obesity worldwide.

According to WHO data, being over-weight and obesity in adults in Europe are responsible for 80% of Type 2 Diabetes, 35% of ischemic heart diseases and 55% of hypertensions seen and cause more than 1 million deaths annually.

Similar to other world countries, obesity rate is increasing in also our country day by day. According to preliminary work report of “Türkiye Nutrition and Health Survey-2010” conducted by our Ministry, the rate of obesity in Türkiye is found to be 20.5% in men, 41.0% in women and 30.3% in total.

Obesity leads to many health problems due to negative effects created on body systems (endocrine system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, skin, genitourinary system and musculoskeletal system) and psychosocial situation. Obesity is able to result in diseases such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery diseases, cholesterol elevation, gall bladder diseases, certain types of cancer (gall bladder, endometrium, ovary and breast cancers in women, colon and prostate cancers in men), sleep apnea and fatty liver.

The annual cost of obesity on country’s economy is 20 billion TL. The reasons for this cost include over consumption, occupation and work disability, diseases, financial burden of health care.

6 modules will be carried out to patients applying to our Trabzon HSU KTRH (S.B.Ü.KEAH) Obesity polyclinic. There will be record and meeting rooms, a public relations specialist, health officials, a dietitian, a psychologist and an education room in our center. Everybody with a BMI equal to or higher than 30 will be able to participate to the program. Groups will be formed from patients and group educations will be given to them. Groups will race with each other and those losing the most weight will be rewarded. Our aim is to make Trabzon Public regain their health.