Medical oncology is the branch of science dealing with diagnosis and treatment of various types of cancer as well as presenting preventive measures and clinical research opportunities.
A multi-disciplinary approach including surgery, radiology, pathology, nuclear medicine, internal medicine and radiation oncology departments has been developed for treatment and monitor plans of patients diagnosed with cancer.
During treatments and follow-ups, in addition to treatment, pain treatment, nutrition and psychological treatment are also carried out according to patient’s need in collaboration with supportive and palliative care team.
In the most general sense, chemotherapy is treatment of tumors via chemicals. Together with surgery and radiotherapy, chemotherapy constitutes one of the basic components of tumor treatment. Chemotherapy is determined in accordance with tumor type and patient characteristics.
In order to destroy tumor cells, drugs can be administered in different ways. While some of these are designed chemotherapeutic drugs (cytotoxic), some of the others inhibit tumor development and proliferation (targeted agents, cytostatic). The remaining drugs are hormones and supportive treatments.
Chemotherapy is the only treatment method for certain types of tumor. In some tumors, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are required to be applied successively or simultaneously. Some may require chemotherapy before or after surgery. Depending on patient’s condition, the chemotherapy program with the most suitable application duration and session frequency is implemented.
During cancer treatment process, psychological counselling help is a frequently encountered need of patients. According to multi-disciplinary treatment approach accepted in Trabzon Provincial Directorate of Health, patients and their relatives should take psychological support. It has been demonstrated that the collaboration established between patient’s family and health team affects prognosis.
Well-balanced and healthy nutrition not only strengthens body resistance against diseases but also helps to shorten disease period.
While offering nutritious diet program to patients, Trabzon Kanuni Training and Research Hospital provides counselling services to patients taking cancer treatment for the purpose of protecting patients with healthy foods.